德國駐華使館科技參贊René Haak
英國駐華使館科技參贊Sam Myers
德國駐華使館科技參贊René Haak (韓磊)
Dr. René Haak joined the German Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Beijing in August 2011 as the First Counselor for Science and Technology. He is also teaching at the Technical University of Brandenburg (Germany), at the European University Viadrina (Germany). He has a PhD degree in Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin and a degree in business administration from the Free University of Berlin. His research interest focuses on strategic and international and innovation management, automotive industry, and Human Resource Management. He has written numerous articles and books on production technology, innovation management and strategic and international management about Japan, China and Europe.
英國駐華使館科技參贊Sam Myers (梅紹銘)
Sam Myers has a First Class (Hons) Masters of Biochemistry from the University of Bath. In 1999 he worked at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York where his team’s findings on protein structure-function analysis were published in Science. In 2000 he was a researcher at the Chiron Corporation in San Francisco.
Sam joined BIS in 2001 as a Fast Stream graduate recruit, working first to grow the UK biotech industry and then on EU science policy and funding. He subsequently became the Private Secretary to the Employment Relations & Competition Minister. After promotion in 2004 he was responsible for biotechnology policy at DTI, before moving to Singapore in July 2007 to head up the Southeast Asia Science and Innovation Network.