物理學(xué)院“博約學(xué)術(shù)論壇”系列報(bào)告 第135期 (2017年第38期)
題目:Integrability and Chaos in Proteins
報(bào)告人:Alexander Molochkov教授
時(shí) 間:2017年11月15日(周三)上午10:00-11:00
地 點(diǎn):北京理工大學(xué) 中心教學(xué)樓610
Concepts of integrability and chaos in proteins is discussed in view of gauge symmetries and symmetry breaking. It is shown in the talk that the gauge field theory approach to protein structure study allows a natural way to introduce collective degrees of freedom and nonlinear topological structures. Local symmetry of proteins and its breaking in the medium is considered, what allows to derive Abelian Higgs model of protein backbone, correct folding of which is defined by gauge symmetry breaking due hydrophobic forces. Within this model relation between symmetry breaking and self-organization in proteins is discussed. Examples of predictions for different proteins folding pathways are presented.
Alexander Molochkov obtained his PhD in theoretical physics at Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Russia. He worked at researcher and postdoc positions in Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia; Roma Torvegata University, Italy. He worked as a COE professor in RCNP, Osaka University of Japan. He was awarded by a Humboldt Foundation grant in Giessen University, Germany. He is now a professor of physics at Far Eastern Federal University of Russia. He is also a chief research scientist, vice director for research of the School of Biomedicine, Far Eastern Federal University.
His main research interests are connected with gauge field theory application to various problems of particle and live matter physics. In last years, experiences gained in the protein research and in the field theory used to establish domain of interdisciplinary research that can have an innovative impact on biology, pharmacy and medicine. One of the main goals is to address, on the same footing, problems in biological, high-energy and solid state branches of physics in utilizing a unifying role of numerical simulations to be done in lattice gauge theories. The main directions of his research are concentrated on problems of protein folding/refolding pathways in biology, zero-point energies study in quantum field theory and phase transitions in QCD.
聯(lián)系方式:物理學(xué)院辦公室 (68911355)
邀請(qǐng)人: 何建鋒