
今日新發(fā)布通知公告1條 | 上傳規(guī)范


來源:   發(fā)布日期:2013-05-10
報告題目: How to Write and Publish Top Papers
報 告 人:
Charles Ling (凌曉峰), Professor
PhD (U of Pennsylvania)
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Co-author of "Crafting Your Research Future" (學術研究 ,,你的成功之道).
   Charles Ling (凌曉峰) obtained his dual-BSc (Computer Science & EE) from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. Then he studied in the Department of Computer and Information Science at University of Pennsylvania, and obtained both MSc and PhD within four years. He is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, and the Director of Data Mining and Business Intelligence Lab. His main research areas include machine learning, data mining, and cognitive modeling and child education. He has published over 120 peer-reviewed research papers in journals and international conferences.
    He is an Associate Editor for IEEE TKDE, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST), and Computational Intelligence Journal. He has been Conference Chair, PC Chair, Senior PC Member, Area Chair, and Program Committee member for major international conferences on machine learning and data mining.
  本報告基于凌曉峰/楊強撰寫的新書: Crafting Your Research Future - A Guide to Successful Master’s and Ph.D. Degrees in Science & Engineering
時   間:2013年5月15日下午3:00-5:00
地   點:北京理工大學研究生樓101