
牛津大學賽德商學院Raymond Loveridge教授應邀到管理與經濟學院作學術報告

供稿:林麗輝 攝影:賀菲 編輯:王倩倩

  應我院應用經濟系邀請,牛津大學賽德商學院Raymond Loveridge 教授于9月24日作題為“Globalization, Multinational Corporations and National Systems”的學術報告。報告由馬明主任主持,,應用經濟系的部分師生到場聆聽了報告,。 

  Raymond Loveridge教授以經濟全球化為背景,從跨國公司和FDI的發(fā)展數(shù)據(jù)進行分析,,對垂直的供應鏈和網(wǎng)狀的協(xié)調結構做了比較,,得出結論認為在新的國際環(huán)境下,,要求加強國與國之間的合作與聯(lián)系,。
  整個講座持續(xù)近三個小時,,會場座無虛席。演講結束后,,Raymomond Loveridge教授熱情回答了同學們的積極提問,。此次講座不僅開闊了老師和同學的學術視野,也是我院應用經濟系與國外一流院校的一次精彩對話,。最后,,Raymond Loveridge教授與參加此次講座的師生合影留念。


  Raymond Loveridge is the Professor Emeritus at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, UK. Currently he pursues a number of projects reflecting his interests in multinationals, comparative management, knowledge management and professionalization. Recent books resulting from his research include Information Technology in European Services (1990) and Internationalisation: Process, Context and Markets (1998).
  He has published widely, including the  Internationalization: Process, Context and Markets, Macmillan, Continuity and Crisis in the National Health Service - The Politics of Design and Innovation in Health Care, Information Technology in European Services: Towards a Micro-Electronic Europe, The Strategic Management of Technological Innovation.