

  新年伊始,,校長胡海巖院士親切慰問管理與經(jīng)濟學(xué)院新聘任的兩位外籍教師,,他們是來自美國的Eric Martinot教授和來自德國Stefan Haiptmann 副教授,。



  附:Eric Martinot教授和Stefan Hauptmann 副教授介紹

  Eric Martinot教授簡介

  Eric Martinot has been writing and teaching on renewable energy policy and economics for 25 years, with over 70 publications in this field. He is widely recognized and regarded around the world. He holds a PhD in Energy and Resources from the University of California Berkeley and a BS in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was formerly a senior energy specialist with the World Bank, where he analyzed the lessons and experience with renewable energy markets and investments in developing countries, and guided investment strategies by the World Bank and other UN agencies.

  Stefan Hauptmann 副教授簡介

  Educated in Sociology, Economics and Philosophy at the University of Bielefeld, received a M.Sc. in Science and Technology Management from Manchester Business School. Thesis about computer-mediated organizational communication at Chemnitz University of Technology. Stefan Hauptmann working on projects about Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management and Innovation Management at Chemnitz University of Technology. In the meantime the University of Helsinki invited Stefan to an intership as visiting scholar. He has also co-founded a consulting service for intra-organizational Social Media. He conducted his doctoral thesis on Social Media in Organizations. Since May 2011 he is Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Chair for Leadership and Organization (Prof. Dr. Thomas Steger) at the University of Regensburg.